Friday, February 17, 2012

Corporate-Caste Dynasty politics in Goa

(LtE of GT sent on 12/2/2012 remains unpublished)
While some politicians pretend to be worried about emergence of family dynasty politics in Goa, they prefer to keep silence on the unspoken and covert caste/corporate dynastic politics that prevailed for the last fifty years and which has brought Goa to this state of decadence. It appears more of a case where those ruling the roost are now feeling threatened over the possibility of the political controls being snatched by a few families. Goans need to realise that it's politics was infected by an undeclared dynasty that has survived for half a decade by a divide and rule policy while Goa got plundered. Goans would do well in focusing more on saving Goa from the politics of hate and loot.

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