Monday, March 5, 2012

Liberation or Colonisation?

Goa is on the threshold of its destiny, some may call it the second liberation. One that will erase the traces of hills and fields or the other that will erase the peace and tranquility along with a culture that has been the neighbour's envy and the owner's pride. Whether the money bags will rule while Feedom, Equality and Fraternity shall triumph or whether it will be the era of the 'lathis' with one language, one religion and one culture.
As the saffron forces lauds the Manmohan Singh's tirade against so called christian NGOs and demands the withdrawal of all benefits to Christian Tribals and Dalits, I write this that some day Goans may not be able to deny that they were ignorant of what Change they invited for their future.
At this moment we just hope and pray that God protect our motherland.

Soter D'souza

5th March, 11.30 p.m.

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