Friday, February 17, 2012

No Commitments

(LtE published in GT, 18/2/2012)
For obvious reasons the issues plaguing Goa seem to have been put on the back burner while selected politicians and their families seem have become the focus and target for criticism in the elections. While some politicians and their parties take a high moral ground, they shy away from making definitive commitments on critical issues that threaten the future of Goans. Religion and caste are being used to distract the voter from the real issues in this election. While corruption gets tagged to one party, the denial of accountability and transparency in governance coupled with human rights violations of the another polticial party is sought to be swept under the carpet. We have the wonderful example of how the recent porn scandal involving some Karnataka MLAs is being tackled by banning entry of private media channels into the Assembly. Doesn't the systematic denial of information to the press and false propaganda that 'All is Shinning' also amount to corruption?

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