Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Devious Designs

Letter To Editor _ HERALD The reckless use of the word ‘ Church’, meaning the Catholic Church in the context of Goa, in news reports these days is very disturbing. In the vernacular press the use of the term ‘ Church Sanstha’ has become very common. Intentional attempts are made to depict a confrontation between the Church and the State on almost any cause espoused by Christian organisations or Christian leaders. The emphasis on the connection of every organisation linked to the Church in news reports is not religiously followed when it comes to reporting about other major religions. The Catholic Church has its designated official organs to communicate its mind when it involves the whole diocese or the nation at large. The stray act or comment of a priest, rector of a basilica or some civil society group formed by Christians need not necessarily reflect the mind of the entire Church. It is important that the public do not fall prey to these devious designs by the communal forces to portray the Church in Goa and Christians and their leaders in particular, as anti- socials, corrupt and a threat to the Goa State and nation. Soter D’souza, Socorro

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