Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Good Friday Politicians of Goa -Soter

by Soter D'Souza
Saturday, 19th April 2014 

For some Catholic Politicians in Goa their understanding of politics seems to be stuck at ‘Good Friday’. The Lok Sabha Polls 2014 in Goa which coincided with the Lenten observances has only exposed this. There continue to be Catholics who continue to be inspired by Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus and conspired in His arrest by the Romans just for a few silver coins. Historical narrations tell us that Judas on realisation of the grave harm he had inflicted on his Lord and Master could just not handle his guilt and ultimately hanged himself.

With rapid strides in technological progress and knowledge, the behaviour of these Judases in politics has become even more complex. Secularism, which is the separation of religion from politics, gives them that perfect excuse to condone their attempts to suppress the universal values and ethics in the social and political arena. Its ultimately their quest for Power and Wealth that puts their politics above spirituality. They are ever ready to crucify the Truth by bearing false testimony in favor of those who conspire by proxy to quash religious freedom in this country.

It is most disgusting to see that after all the catechesis and  value education that the Catholic Church affords its followers from a very young age and in an era of technological advancement where information can be acquired by the click of a button, there yet exist some Catholics, or at least those who choose to be so for convenience, who ask the Church to clarify what is meant by ‘Secularism’ and ‘Communalism’. Such Catholics often seem to forget that on receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Faith, it is they who have committed to their Bishop to share equal responsibility in defending the Church and its teachings.  

In other words, in order that all members of the Church share the responsibility of  bearing witness to the teachings of the Church, it is required of them to make all efforts to upgrade their knowledge not only in regards to their faith but also on temporal affairs. Their education in the Catholic faith does not stop with ‘Good Friday’ where Jesus was repeatedly asked by the Temporal Authorities to prove that He was really the Son of God. On that fateful Friday, over 2000 years ago, the enemies of Jesus hired their the propaganda teams to scream, “Free Barabas and Crucify Jesus!” This Good Friday 2014, it is a bunch of misguided Goan politicians who appear to have become the propaganda agents on behalf of communal forces to shout that “the Church has no right to undertake political education of its followers.”

For otherwise shrewd and scheming Catholic Politicians, it should not have taken them much time to decipher and understand the ‘Politics of Communalism’ that is fast taking root in this State. It does not require rocket science to realise who were behind the riots in Curchorem, Dhang, Godhra and Kandhamal even though those alleged to be responsible may cry out ‘hang me if I am guilty’ after years of using all State Power to destroy and suppress evidence and deny justice to the victims. Catholic politicians particularly have no excuse to claim ignorance of the existence of political outfits in this country that are affiliated to certain organisations that actually preach intolerance against minorities and profess the theory about ‘One Religion, One Culture and One language’. This is not information concealed under some State Official Secrets Act. It is all available in public domain for those Catholics who are really interested  in being informed on the subject.

So, this Good Friday 2014, let not Goa’s Catholic politicians imitate the washing of hands by Pontius Pilate and plead ignorance on the communal agenda of the very political forces they seek to defend. Let not the fear of losing their political power and wealth scare them into absolving themselves of their responsibility and conspire with the fundamentalist forces to prove what is appropriate and inappropriate behaviour for the Catholic Church. These bunch of politicians need to move beyond Good Friday, into the Easter of Truth and Life. They will not succeed in their attempts to separate the Gospel values from their political lives.

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