Thursday, April 17, 2014

Don't divert water, tribunal orders Karnataka (ToI)

Don't divert water, tribunal orders Karnataka

PANAJI: In a big blow to Karnataka's effort to divert a huge quantum of water from the tributaries of Mhadei river and depriving Goa its water share, the Mhadei Water Dispute Tribunal on Thursday in an interim order directed Karnataka to ensure that water from Mhadei basin does not get automatically diverted to Malaprabha basin through the interconnecting canal, which has been partly constructed by it.

The tribunal headed by Justice J M Panchal observed, "The state of Karnataka is directed to plug both the vents of the cut and cover section of the reach within Mahadayi basin of the inter-connecting canal with a brick masonry embankment on or before 31.5.2014."

The tribunal also ordered that Karnataka shall not actually utilize the water or divert waters under the Kalsa -Bhandura project till the disputes arising between the three states are finally adjudicated by it. Maharashtra is also a party in the dispute between Goa and Karnataka.

The interim order was passed following a strong case presented by Goa's advocate general Atmaram Nadkarni, who countered the arguments put by Karnataka counsel Fali Nariman.

Nadkarni, when contacted said, "All our points are kept open in the order till disposal of dispute in tribunal. It is a great success for Goa."

Having started work of the Kalsa project in 2006, Karnataka has completed the work of inter-connecting the canal from Kalsa nullah to Malaprabha river.

From P1

From last two years water of Kalsa nullah was flowing to the Malaprabha river through canal and channels.

Sandeep Nadkarni, the chief engineer of Goa's water resources department, speaking to TOI said, "Tribunal has ordered to constitute three members committee comprising the superintending Engineers of Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka to monitor the work as per the directives of tribunal. Next hearing in this matter is fixed on September 3."

Referring to the design submitted before it, the tribunal has also directed Karnataka to fill up the excavation made along the ridge line (the line separating the mahadayi and Malaprabha basin) for the purpose of construction of the canal.

The state of Karnataka is directed by the tribunal "to complete the work of cross drainage for the existing road/state highway along with the above mentioned work of plugging to avoid likely flooding/pendage on or before 31-5-2014"

Alleging irregularities, the Goa government in an application submitted before MWDT had brought to the notice illegal work carried out without any approvals or consent of Goa, by creating infrastructure for diverting huge quantum of water from the tributaries of the already water deficient Mhadei River to Malaprabha River Basin areas.

The Goa government had sought that works that are being taken up by Karnataka at Kankumbhi for diverting the water flows to Kalasa nalla, a principle tributary of Mhadei are to be stopped.

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