Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mopa Airport: Bane Or Boon? - Herald

"Have not associations of working men been more often right in their political judgment of measures than college common rooms and military clubs? The instincts of the multitude are as likely to be right as the theories of the learned.”" Industiralist Vomit? Mopa Airport: Bane Or Boon? Anil Counto It is no big surprise that there is considerable opposition to the construction of the airport at Mopa. We Goans have habitually been averse to changes that occur in our lives. It is our inherent nature to resist change and to oppose new ideas ~ we opposed the shifting of the bus terminus at Panjim, we created a scene when the first Condor flights landed with tourists from Germany, we vociferously opposed the Konkan railway. The passage of time has proved us wrong. With the increase in population, the current bus terminus has proved to be a necessity; the livelihood of many Goans depend on the dollars brought in by overseas tourists; and the Konkan railway provides affordable and convenient travel to the masses. Is it not possible that the Mopa airport too may prove to be a blessing for Goa? Today most Goans from the south look at the proposed Mopa airport with a closed mind, anticipating the closure of the naval Dabolim airport to civilian traffic and a long road-trip to get to the new airport. We cannot afford to look at Goa as being divided into north or south. We also should not be envious of our neighbouring states benefiting from the Mopa airport. Instead, we must consider the benefits that will accrue to us in totality. Those of the older generations will recall the Goa of 1961 vis-à-vis the Goa of today in terms of population, business, industry, education, health and the other factors contributing to the lifestyle in our State. Given this scenario, try imagining Goa 50 years into the future and speculate on the possible major industries and occupations. The mines will surely have been played out by then and the construction sector will be finished. We will then be heavily reliant on tourism which will be the mainstay of Goa. Read more at:

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