Friday, May 25, 2012

Fuel Price hike

(comment published in GT 25/5/2012)
The petrol price hike offers yet another excuse for opposition political parties 
to instigate public unrest and embarrass the government. There is hypocrisy both 
on part of the politicians and the public that protest. No one thinks twice when 
throwing lavish parties to celebrate events, buying posh cars and incurring huge 
expenditures on other luxurious comforts. 
The debate on fuel price hike should have actually brought about a realization 
on 60 years of a parasitic economy which is as burdensome and exploitative as 
the yoke of foreign rule.  There should have been protests to demand that 
Governments provide efficient and cheap public transport and for discouraging 
the use of private vehicles by those who travel daily. But political parties 
floated by none other than businessmen, that are hand in glove for promoting an 
economy which thrives on generating greed and a reckless brand of consumers, are 
cleverly shying away from educating the public on inexpensive transport 

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