Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mindless Christian Easter Violence

(Letter To Editor published in Herald (11April2012) and GT (10Apr.2012)
The mindless violence that erupted on Easter day in Tropa-Sodiem, Siolim is to be condemned in no uncertain terms. The celebration of Easter should have been an occasion to spread love and peace. The behaviour of some christians in taking law into their own hands by causing physical harm and damaging private property of fellow citizens is definitely not christian in any way. The entire Holy Week services was about forgiveness and love. The Catholic Church rose to pray for people of all faiths and denominations on Good Friday, including those who persecute the Church.

The growing insanity of some elements who use Church premises and events to perpetrate violence and unrest needs to be crushed by the church authorities before matters go out of hand. Violence has no place in christianity and the law must be equally applied to all citizens irrespective of political affiliations, caste or religion. The Christian faith teaches us that dialogue is the path to peaceful resolution of conflict and not violence.

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