Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mind & Mine Games marks BJP Era in Goa

The honeymoon phase of the Goan electorate with the BJP seems to be marked by Mind and Mine games. Propaganda managers of the BJP seem to be heavily depending on FOGGING the mind. An editorial in a popular daily read predominantly by Cristaos of Goa screams that 'communalism is in the mind'. A learned priest has fallen upon 'Mindful Reasoning' to analyse the rise of the BJP in Goa. For him this is a born again BJP, probably some sort of a genetically modified species of tiger without the spots. Governance for now is about Uncle Parrikar for young Dhond, something like Uncle Sam of the US.
What is interesting in all this rhetoric is that the the Goan electorate is cleverly guided into ignoring what gets pointed out. That Goa's new Government continues to be under the influence of the mining, drugs, matka and real estate mafia. Added to it is the fanatic fringe that gets emboldened under BJP rule. Mindful reasoning is desperately trying to narrow Goa's BJP to only Parrikar and the Goa's Government as only Parrikar.
The mindful reasoning on the recent desecration of graves at Curchorem dismisses this act as that of frustrated politicians. Mindful communalism seems to be out of the ambit of Goan reasoning for now. The Goan elite is in an intoxicated state for now. A caste and class statement is being made through Parrikar.
So where is the heart in all this? Is there place for the heart in this era of BJP rule? No newspaper has reported about the volume of damage to the kabrastan in comparison to the cemetery at Curchorem. This is important to uncover the mystery behind the desecrations. What were the total number of existing graves in the Kabrastan in comparison to the existing number of graves in the Christian cemetery. Mere stating the number of graves or tombs desecrated does not give the full picture. The on site picture speaks for itself. This because Curchorem is on the map of communal violence, a blot on the image of Goa. That will give the answer which evades the mindful reason of the minorities in this BJP era.
For the mindful reason to be sound, the promptings of the soul are as important. For this moment the Goan soul has been silenced. The Goan minds are Fogged. The Mines continue to speak through the Minds. Mineful Reasoning gets sold as Mindful Reasoning.

Yours Apolitically

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