The truth is so naked. Yet WE the goan people cannot see it. We foolishly continue to shape our opinion based on certain local newspapers but forget the motives behind the reports and who controls the news today. Some news dailies of the 80's are no more contributing to the goan cause. They have migrant editors put in the job by unscrupulous local industrialists looking at continuing their economic and political dominance by misleading the goan people. The last few days itself reveal the absolutely low levels to which some newspapers have deteriorated when they went all out to glorify the treacherous Goa Regional Plan 2021. They are encouraged to do so because there is no public reaction. The people of Goa need to burn copies of such newspapers in protest for giving such one-sided news reports. The faster goans rid themselves of dependence on these stablished news machines by developing alternate sources, the faster will goans realise the mess they are in. We the goan people need to break free from the shackles of these opinion fixers and brokers who have enslaved us for the last 50 years.
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