Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Letter published in Herald on 24 July 2010
On going through the views in the article about a Margao-Salcette disconnect (Herald, 19/07/10), one gets the impression that this is more of an old ploy to market Margao (socio-political manipulators) as the 'golden chariot' of intellectualism, ethics and morality. For the last 49 years innocent Goans have unknowingly been taken around Gogol Circle in Margao and tricked into believing that it is Trafalgar Square. A popular joke doing the rounds is that, 'where Goans take a break on the weekend, Margao's conspiracies begin.' The list could be endless with issues of mergers, communalism and defections to the on-going caste hegemony over the konkani script and designs for Vishal Gomantak. So, one need not be surprised if at some point in time it is declared that Margao is in fact the epicentre for most of the pressing problems and threats to the goan future. All it takes is to just scrape off a little of the deceptive glitter like 'samata' and 'asmitai' to have a glimpse into the realm of filth and deceit. Good and Bad seem relative terms in Margao depending on who benefits in terms of money and power. The name 'Mar-gaon' means 'a place of beating.' If Salcette remains vibrant today, it is because of saxttikars wisely maintaining a safe distance from the socio-politico designers of Margao.

-Soter D'souza

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